Menifee Valley Flyers Bylaws
Revised June, 2018
A. Name and Location
The Menifee Valley Flyers Radio Control Model Club, AMA charter #1717 shall be known and referred to as “Menifee Valley Flyers (MVF)”. This Club is located at the intersection of Menifee Road and Coastline Ave in Menifee, California. Latitude: 33°42'38.38"N, Longitude: 117° 9'14.43"W.
B. Definitions
AMA: Academy of Model Aeronautics.
MVF: Menifee Valley Flyers.
General Meeting: Monthly Club meeting.
Board Meeting: Meeting of Officers and Board Members.
Executive Meeting: Meeting consisting of the Club Officers.
A. Mission Statement
Menifee Valley Flyers, a Club, chartered by the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA), promotes an atmosphere for safe enjoyable building and flying of all types of model aircraft for its members. The Officers and Board of Directors promote safety, training, field management and encourage flying and social events to enhance camaraderie and friendship.
A. Number of Members
The number of Club memberships, currently established at 125 members, maybe increased or decreased by a simple majority vote using the notification and voting process as defined in Article XII, paragraph C of these Bylaws.
B. Qualifications
Prospective members must be a current member in good standing of the AMA and must attend one general meeting before becoming a member. Prospective members can elect to be placed on a waiting list if the Club Roster is full (125 members).
The Board of Directors reserves the right to refuse membership to any new applicant or renewing member.
Prospective members cannot vote at the General Meeting and may not bring guests to fly at the field.
New members shall pay all Club initiation, dues, and present proof they are current members of AMA.
C. Membership Types
Family Membership
Shall consist of a husband, wife and their children up to eighteen (18) years of age. One family member shall be a regular paid member of the Club. This member will also be a current member in good standing of the AMA. Although there is only one dues paid, both the husband and wife are to be considered equal members in the Club, but only the paid member shall have voting privileges. When a sibling reaches eighteen (18) years of age, that person must join as a regular member and present proof of AMA membership.Honorary Member
This is a Club member so selected by the General Membership for this honor. All benefits, rules and responsibilities of Club membership apply, except they cannot vote, hold office, or be a Board Member. They are selected for this honor by a majority vote of the members present at a General Meeting. Honorary members are exempt from membership dues.Golden Member
This person was a regular member, who due to health or handicap, can no longer fly without assistance. This member must request this membership in writing to the President. The President shall forward the letter to the Board of Directors for approval. The request will then be presented to membership for vote at the next General Meeting. They are selected for this honor by a simple majority vote of the members present at a General Meeting.Snowbird Member
This is a membership given to persons who live out of town that fly at our field only in the winter months of October 1 through March 31.This person is considered a regular member but pays 1⁄2 of the regular membership dues.Youth Member
This applies to all flyers under eighteen (18) years of age. Youth members coming up through a Family Membership do not pay additional dues. Youths joining the Club for the first time shall pay 1⁄2 of the regular dues and are exempt from paying initiation fees. Honorary, Golden, Snow Bird and Youth memberships shall be excluded from the Club membership quota.
A. Initiation Fees
Initiation fee shall be paid once, as long as a member stays current on their annual dues. If a member fails to renew their annual dues on time, he/she will have to pay another initiation fee, the same as a new member. Initiation fees are not returnable for any reason, and are established by a majority vote of the membership at a general membership meeting (see below for procedure).
B. Annual Dues
Annual Dues shall be reviewed each April by the Board to determine if dues should be raised or lowered for the coming year. A simple majority vote by Board Members is needed to change Club dues. This action shall be presented at the next General Membership Meeting. Members not in attendance shall be notified of the proposed change either by postal mail or email. A majority vote shall be taken at the next General Meeting following the mailing. Annual dues are paid in advance. They shall be due and payable by the 1st of June. There will be a thirty (30) day grace period, after which another initiation fee will be assessed.
C. Assessments
Assessments may be required for such things as field rent / lease, field improvements, etc. Assessments shall be decided by the Board and approved by a majority vote of the members present at a General Meeting. Assessments are not returnable. Members failing to pay assessments will be removed from the Club’s membership. Any portion of the present year dues will be prorated and returned to them. Any member removed from the Club’s membership for non-payment of assessments will not be allowed to rejoin the following year unless they make current the assessments owed for the previous year in which they were removed from membership. New member’s field assessments will be prorated the same as the yearly dues.
A. Safety Rules
When a complaint cannot be handled informally, the complaint should be referred to the Safety Officer using MVF Grievance Form (Form MVFGF). At least one witness must sign the Form. The Safety Officer will present the complaint to the Board of Directors for action within seven (7) days.
First Violation
a. Viewpoints of both complainant(s) and accused will be considered.
b. Complainant(s) name(s) will be disclosed
c. A verbal reprimand will be given to the accused and so noted in the meeting minutes.Second Violation
a. Complainant(s) name(s) will be disclosed.
b. The accused has a right to a written rebuttal, to be reviewed by the Board.
c. If the Board so decides, the flying privileges of the accused will be suspended for thirty (30) days. Written notice of this shall be issued to the complainant(s) and a copy published in the Club’s newsletter.Third Violation
a. The Board will notify the accused in writing, and the Club members via the newsletter that the Club will vote on the expulsion of the accused at the next General Meeting.
b. A member may be expelled from the Club only upon two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the membership present at that meeting.
c. Voting will be by secret ballot at said General Membership Meeting.
d. The three (3) actions will not be enforced unless they are accumulated within a Two (2) year period of time.
e. Any member receiving a grievance, who directs any retaliation action against the person filing said grievance, will be subject to immediate expulsion from the Club. This is to include threats, intimidation, physical harm, intentional equipment damage, or any other malicious action deemed to be retaliatory by the Board of Directors.
f. Any member who is expelled may be reinstated to membership by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors.
g. The Board of Directors shall have the discretionary authority to provide for and to impose disciplinary action for such acts or emissions, which do not justify expulsion from membership.
A. Responsibility
There shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. They must be current AMA members.
There shall be a Board of Directors consisting of three (3) or more members, open for nomination and voted on at the July General Meeting when the President takes office. A member must have a minimum of one (1) year of current, continuous active membership and be in good standing with both the Club and AMA before he/she may hold a Board position.
No two members of the same family (husband, wife, son, or daughter, etc.) shall be allowed to serve as an elected Officer and/or appointed member of the Board of Directors simultaneously during the same term.
B. Duties
a. Will preside at all General Meetings.
b. Will call and preside at all Board Meetings.
c. Will represent the Club at all times.
d. Will carry out the directives of the Club as decided upon in General Membership Meetings.
e. Will present Board of Directors’ decisions at the next General Membership meeting following the Board meeting.Vice President:
a. Will act on behalf of the President in the absence of the President or at his/her request.
b. Will act as the Club mediator in all matters.
c. Will assist the Treasurer in auditing the financial records of the Club for an annual report.Secretary:
a. Will take the minutes of all meetings and supply a copy to the President, Vice President, and newsletter editor.|
b. Will insure that a meeting place is available to conduct the Clubs monthly General Membership meetings.
c. In the event that both the President and Vice President’s offices are vacated at the same time for any reason, the Secretary will conduct elections at the next General Membership meeting.Treasurer:
a: Will establish a checking account with a local bank or savings and loan office for all monies received.
b. Will present the Club’s financial statement at every General Meeting.
c. Will present the Club’s financial statement at a Board meeting, if requested in advance by the President.
d. Will present a summary of the Club’s annual financial activities at the December General MeetingBoard of Directors:
a. Will represent the General Membership in all Club matters at the Board Meetings.
b. Will meet at the request of the President.
c. Will assist, and offer guidance to the President and Vice President.d. Will act as an investigation committee for Article XI.
e. Will represent the General Membership in review of Bylaws.Contest Director
a. The Contest Director (CD) supersedes all other members and is the single controlling factor over all AMA sanctioned events conducted.
b. The CD is appointed by the AMA and is a representative of the Academy and will assure that all AMA sanctioned events are run in accordance with the Competition Regulations and the National Model Aircraft Safety Code.
c. Will coordinate all events, and must sanction competitive events three (3) months prior to an events start date.
d. A Contest Director must be in good standing with the AMA and must uphold all rules at all times, and may not reside over multiple clubs. If this is sited, the CD may lose his/her accreditation and potentially lose all flying privileges associated with the AMA.
C. Term of Office
President: there is no limit on terms in office
Vice President: there is no limit on terms in office
Secretary: there is no limit on terms in office.
Treasurer: there is no limit on terms in office
Board of Directors: serves at the discretion of the President
The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer cannot serve as officers in any other Model Aircraft Club, to do so would be considered conflict of interest and will be cause for immediate removal from office.
D. Appointed Officers
The President or Vice President may appoint Officers for special duties when needed. These Officers may also be known as Chairpersons.
E. Financial Arrangements
Disbursement of money:
a. The Treasurer shall disburse all monies as directed by approved motions of the General Membership. Exception: The Treasurer can disburse up to $300 dollars a month under the direction of the President, for incidental expenses necessary for Club operation, not to include field and meeting room rent /lease.
b. All monies will be disbursed by electronic or paper check, or Club debit card.
F. Vacancies
Vacancies for any reason of current term of Officers and Board of Directors shall be filled as soon as possible.
Will be replaced by the Vice President. The new President will select a new Vice President to serve until the next regular election.Vice President:
Will be selected by the President to serve until the next regular election.Secretary:
A new Secretary will be selected by the President to serve until the next regular election from the general membership as long as the selected member has been a member in good standing for at least One (1)current, continuous year.Treasurer:
A new Treasurer will be selected by the President to serve until the next regular election from the general membership as long as the selected member has been a member in good standing for at least One (1) current, continuous year.Board of Directors:
A new Board Member will be selected from the general membership by the President to serve during the President’s term in office from the general membership as long as the selected member has been a member in good standing for at least One (1) current, continuous year.
If both the President and Vice President vacate office at the same time, they will be replaced by the Secretary and Treasurer, in that order. They will serve until the next regular election in December. The new President shall appoint a new Secretary and Treasurer to serve until the next election.
A. Membership Meeting
Shall be held once a month.
The minutes of the last meeting shall be read and accepted.
An up to date financial record shall be read and accepted.
The total membership shall be notified by postal mail or Email, at least two weeks in advance, of any change in time, date or place of the meeting.
B. Board of Directors Meeting
Shall be called by the President or Vice President.
The Officer calling for the meeting will arrange for the time, date, and meeting place.
There must be a majority of Directors present for any action to be voted on, or taken.
Each Board Member, including the Vice President shall have one vote, except for Item “g” below. The President shall vote only in case of a tie.
In case of a disciplinary investigation, the Board member, receiving the complaint, will arrange the time, date, and meeting place.
Any time the Board of Directors is meeting for a disciplinary investigation, the President and Vice President will not attend, unless they are invited. Their attendance does not include the right to vote.
C. Executive Meeting
The President can call an Executive meeting that consists of the elected positions:
In a matter concerning the discipline of a member(s), the officers shall meet in an executive session if requested by the club member(s) or Board member(s), and the member(s) in question shall be entitled to attend said executive session.
Executive session will be used as a means of considering the litigation concerning Club matters that pertains to the formation of contracts with 3rd parties, or other matters where executive sessions are authorized by law.
Any matters discussed in the executive session shall be generally noted in the Minutes of the Board.
Motions cannot be made in an executive session and must be brought to the Board in a Board meeting for consideration, at which time a motion can be made, second and adopted.
All records, other than the minutes of meetings, shall have the Master given to the Secretary for filing. These records shall list at the bottom of the form, name of data processor, whose computer they are stored, revision date and a form number.
A. Standing Committee
Standing Committees shall be appointed by the President or Vice President.
B. Special Committees
Committee for field maintenance.
Committee for field events.
Committee for membership.
Committee for Bylaws review
Committee Membership
Committee memberships are made up of Club members volunteering and or appointed by the President or Vice President as needed.
A. Nominations
Nominations for Club Officers shall be accomplished during the November General Membership Meeting. A member must have a minimum of one (1) years of uninterrupted, current, continuous active membership and be in good standing with both the Club and AMA before he/she may hold an elected Club Officer position.
B. Elections
Election of Officers shall be held during the December General Membership Meeting. The new Officers will be elected by a simple majority vote of the members present at said meeting or by mail ballot, by request only, delivered by US mail or E-mail during November. Votes must be received back before the December General Membership meeting or they will become null and void.
The passing of the President’s gavel shall take place during the January General meeting.
C. Recall of Officers
This Club has no automatic recall. All disciplinary matters must be presented to the Board of Directors.
A. Roberts Rules
Roberts Rules shall be used as a guide when conducting meetings.
B. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year for this club shall be January 1st through December 31st.
C. Newsletter Mailing
The editor of the Menifee Valley Flyers shall send the Club’s newsletter to all members either by postal mail or Email, and will be posted on the Club website.
The monthly newsletter must be received by the members prior to the next General Meeting.
D. Transfer of Records
The transferring of all records shall be accomplished during the January Board of Directors Meeting.
The Secretary shall keep all diskettes containing all the Club’s records and forms. When a document is originated or updated, this disk will be updated. The website will be updated and a hard copy of the original documents will be maintained.
E. Suspension of Bylaws
A Bylaw may be suspended at a General or Special General Membership Meeting, providing the following conditions are met:
The Secretary will put the suspension proposal in writing to the President / Vice President if approved by a simple majority vote.
When the proposed suspension is submitted to the President / Vice President in writing, they will call a Board of Directors meeting to discuss the proposed suspension. This will be done before the next General Meeting or Special General Meeting.
At the next General Meeting or Special General Meeting the proposal will be handed out to all members present. Any member not present will be mailed or emailed a copy no later than seven days following this meeting. At the next General or Special General Membership Meeting, the proposed suspension will be voted upon. Approval requires two thirds vote in favor by all members present.
F. Use of Club Mark and Logo
The Club logo and Club Mark may only be used for official Club business such as the newsletter, Awards or other miscellaneous Club items.
G. Standing Rules
All standing rules must be approved by a majority vote during a General Meeting.
Governing rules of this Club shall consist of our Bylaws, Field Rules and AMA requirements.
H. Dissolution of Club
In the event the membership falls below five persons paying dues, the Club will be disbanded and the treasury disbursed as follows in order listed:
All club debts will be paid.
All current members will be refunded their annual dues and assessments for the current year.
Any remaining monies will be contributed to a local charity in the club’s name. The charity will be
The President and secretary shall give the County of Riverside thirty days (30) written notice of the club’s dissolution, per the lease contract.
I. Civil Code
The Menifee Valley Flyers are subject to and will follow the codes, laws, and guidelines set by the city of Menifee and Riverside County.
A. Proposed Bylaw Change
These Bylaws may be amended at a General or Special General Membership meeting, providing the following conditions are met:
The Secretary will put the amendment proposal in writing to the President / Vice President if approved by a simple majority vote.
After the proposed amendment has been submitted to the President / Vice President in writing, they will convene a Board of Directors meeting to discuss the amendment. This will be done before the next General Meeting or Special General Membership meeting.
At the next General Meeting or Special General Membership Meeting the proposal will be handed out to all members present. Any member not present will be mailed or emailed a copy.
B. Balloting
Balloting will be done on the proposed amendment at the next General Meeting or a Special General Membership Meeting.
C. Approval
Approval requires a simple majority vote in favor by all members present at the General meeting
A. Disciplinary action consists of the following:
Removal from office, if a club officer is involved.
Removal from club membership
Written reprimand
Suspension of flying privileges for a specified time determined by the Board of Directors.
B. Causes for disciplinary action
Violation of Bylaws.
Violation of Club safety rules or field rules.
Violation of AMA rules.
Violation of Federal, State, County, and City laws.
Conduct unbecoming a member of this Club.
Failure to maintain current AMA membership.
Serving as an officer in another model flying club.
C. Action to be taken
The alleged violation must be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors must investigate fully and decide if further action is called for.
This preliminary investigation must be concluded within seven (7) days of notification for the alleged violation. At that time the Board of Directors will arrange a meeting with the alleged violator, and the person(s) making the complaint. This meeting between all parties must be held.
At the end of said meeting, the Board of Directors must make a decision and present it to the parties involved. The Board’s decision is final.
In this case the Board of Directors acts independently of the President and Vice President.
D. Options available to the Board of Directors at the conclusion of the final meeting.
Dismiss the complaint.
Written reprimand.
Suspension of flying privileges for a specified time.
Removal from office, if an officer is involved.
Removal from the club.
A member may be suspended of flying privileges two times in a calendar year. After that, he/she will be removed from Club membership for a period of one (1) year.