Revised 2015

For the safety of our club members, guests and visitors, all operations at the flying field are subjected to the rules and regulations of the Menifee Valley Flyers (MVF) under the guidelines of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA). In addition to these rules, all members must follow the latest AMA Safety Code.

1.      Aircraft operations:

1.01  All models shall be started and ran with the prop blast blowing towards the runway. Any model that is being lifted off the ground to adjust the engine must be carried at least ten (10) feet towards the runway before run-up with the prop blast away from the pits.
1.02 When powering up an electric aircraft in the pits area, accidental motor start-ups should be managed via arm switch or propeller removal. If the electric motor needs to be tested in the pits area, the propeller must be removed; no spinning propellers in the pits area.
1.03 All taxiing will be outside of the pilot stations and run-up area.
1.04 Only pilots, spotters and students with their instructors are allowed at the flight line. Spectators must remain behind the fence in the pits area.
1.05 All flights shall be west of the runway center line in a normal flight pattern determined by the prevailing wind direction (north pattern is counter-clockwise, south pattern is clockwise). At no time shall a pilot purposely fly over the pits, spectator or parking areas.
1.06 All flying should be done from the flight line; no flying from the pits stations.
1.07 Make directional calls and state your intentions when there are two (2) or more aircraft in the air at the same time.
1.08 Helicopters and multi-rotors aircrafts are to give the right of way to fixed wing and a courtesy call should state their intention upon taking to the airspace.
1.09 All First Person View (FPV) activities must be in accordance with AMA Document #550 (Radio Controlled Model Aircraft Operation Utilizing First Person View Systems).
1.10 Spotters are mandatory for all FPV operations.
1.11 Anytime a new model is flown for the first time, everyone on the flight line and pit area must be notified of such, so as to be on the defensive in case the new plane has “technical problems.”
1.12 No more than 5 airplanes in the air at one time. The use of spotters is highly recommended when several airplanes are flying at the same time.
1.13 No turbine powered aircrafts are allowed to fly at this field.
1.14 Above all, common sense should be the bottom line.

2.      Frequency control:  All aircraft operations not using spread spectrum radio gear (2.4 GHz) shall be subject to strict frequency control as follow:

2.01 You must have some form of identification on the frequency board, and announce your intentions prior to turning on your transmitter.
2.02 If more than one person is on the same frequency, the time limit for using that frequency shall be fifteen (15) minutes per interval.
2.03 All club sanctioned contests  allowing the usage of non-spread spectrum radio gear must have a transmitter impound area:

2.03.01 Only one (1) transmitter per frequency shall be issued at a time.
2.03.02 At the completion of the flight, the transmitter must be returned to the impound area.

3.      Field Usage

3.01 Any use of the field for other than organized sport flying is not allowed with the following exceptions:

3.01.01 The use of the field must be brought up at a general membership meeting.
3.01.02 Permission to use the field will be granted by a majority vote of the members present at that general meeting.
3.01.03 The field may be closed to open flying for repair work, maintenance, or scheduled MVF events.

3.02 All members must be given a minimum of two (2) weeks’ notice prior to closing the field to open flying. This notice shall be by postal mail, e-mail and/or posted on the club website.
3.03 This is your field; pick up after yourself.
3.04 Do not dispose of empty fuel containers at the field; they must go with you.
3.05 Firearms, alcoholic beverages, or open fires of any kind are not permitted at the flying field.
3.06 If you chose to bring animals to the field, they must be restrained at all times and kept on a leash.

4.01 Any person that operates a model aircraft at the club field must maintain and be able to provide proof of current AMA membership.
4.02 All Club members with little or no prior flying experience are required to receive flight training from an MVF Club flight instructor prior to the use of the field.
4.03 New pilots training must be done using a “buddy box”.
4.04 New members or guest pilots flying at the field for the first time with prior flight training and/or experience must initially demonstrate basic flight proficiency under the supervision of an MVF Club flight instructor or board member prior to the use of the field.

4.      Members and guests

4.05 Members may invite guests to fly at the field providing they meet the following requirements:

4.05.01 A member shall only have two (2) guest pilots per day.
4.05.02 The member inviting the guest(s) must be present at the field while they are flying. If the member leaves, the guest(s) must stop flying.
4.05.03 The guest pilot(s) must show proof of current AMA membership.
4.05.04 Each guest pilot is allowed to fly a maximum of three (3) days in one (1) calendar year.

4.06 Other AMA sanctioned clubs may be invited to fly at the field on a temporary basis provided that the following conditions are met:

4.06.01 Approval is granted by a simple majority vote at a general membership meeting prior to inviting the club.
4.06.02 All flyers must display current membership in both the AMA and their club prior to flying.
4.06.03 They must be instructed in our field safety rules and field operations prior to flying.
4.06.04 A fixed time limit will be established for their use of the field, i.e. three months, six months, etc.

4.07 Foul language and off colored jokes will not be tolerated when women, children’s and visitors are present at the field. Remember, we represent the AMA and this is a family club.

5.      Field rules amendment

5.01 These General Rules may be amended at a General or Special membership meeting, provided the following conditions are met:

5.01.01 A proposed amendment must be submitted in writing to the President, Vice President or Secretary.
5.01.02 The officer receiving the proposed amendment will convene a Board of Directors meeting, to discuss the submitted amendment.
5.01.03 At the next general membership meeting, copies of the proposed amendment will be handed out to all members present and the proposal will be discussed. Members not present at the general meeting will be informed via email and/or the Clubs website.
5.01.04 Said proposal will then be voted on at the next general membership meeting. Approval requires a majority vote of all members present at said meeting.

Heritage Lake Monthly Float Fly Rules

Revised June 26, 2015

As members of the Menifee Valley Flyers (MVF) RC Club, we have permission from the wonderful Heritage Lake Community to fly from their lake on the 4th Saturday of each month from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM.  Because they have been so gracious, we want to be sure that each member that fly at the lake follow some general rules so we can continue enjoying the usage of the facility in a safe manner. Please use common sense; it is every member’s job to ensure that all the rules are followed so we can have a great time and can continue flying at the lake for years to come. 

In addition to the AMA Safety Code, Menifee Valley Flyers Field Rules and Club Bylaws, the following rules must be followed when flying at the Heritage Lake Community.

1)      Must be an active member of the MVF and have a current open AMA membership. No guest flying; no exceptions.
2)      Must have a current AMA and club membership cards in their possession and should show them to any Lake security guard or MVF club official upon request.
3)      No swimming or body contact with the water.
4)      Please no nitro or gas engines on lake electric only, expect for special events on approval by board.
5)      Only approved 2.4 GHz radio gear is allowed at the lake.
6)      Flying is allowed from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM on the 4th Saturday of the month. Please stop all flying activities on time.
7)      Do not leave any crashed airplane in the lake; all efforts (except swimming into the lake) must be made to rescue any complete or parts of an airplane in the lake. Clean-up after yourself and leave the place neat and clean. If you are a smoker, don’t throw cigarettes butts on the ground; take them with you.
8)      Don’t block or obstruct sidewalks or pedestrian traffic; they have the right of way.
9)      Be courteous with visitors especially if they are residents of the Heritage Lake Community.  Take your time to answer their questions and let them know about the MVF club.
10)  Don’t use profane language and off-colored jokes. Remember, we are representing the hobby and our club; show respect to the community residents.
11)  Put out any fires caused by a burning battery or speed controller and get rid of burned batteries; take them with you. A fire extinguisher is highly recommended to be at hand for each flying session.
12)  Fly only when it is safe to do so and stay within the designated flying area. No flying over houses, pool area or the new construction site (see the included map for the designated flying area).
13)  Boats, paddleboats, canoes, kayaks, etc. have the right of way and nobody should take off when they are within the flying area.  If flying, wait until it is clear to land or, if you have to land immediately, land on a safe area and away from boat traffic.
14)  A maximum of 4 airplanes are allowed to fly at any given time.  Spotters are highly recommended to look for other airplanes and or boat traffic.

Aircraft must be airworthy and should have the owner AMA number in a wing panel and/ or  name, telephone and address information fixed permanently in the airplane (inside fuselage is ok).


Academy of Model Aeronautics Safety Code


A model aircraft is a non-human-carrying aircraft capable of sustained flight in the atmosphere. It may not exceed limitations of this code and is intended exclusively for sport, recreation, education and/or competition. All model flights must be conducted in accordance with this safety code and any additional rules specific to the flying site.

1. Model aircraft will not be flown:

                     (a) In a careless or reckless manner.
                     (b) At a location where model aircraft activities are prohibited.

2. Model aircraft pilots will:

                     (a) Yield the right of way to all human-carrying aircraft.
                     (b) See and avoid all aircraft and a spotter must be used when appropriate (AMA Document #540-D).
                     (c) Not fly higher than approximately 400 feet above ground level within three (3) miles of an airport without notifying the airport operator.
                     (d) Not interfere with operations and traffic patterns at any airport, heliport or seaplane base except where there is a mixed use agreement.
                     (e) Not exceed a takeoff weight, including fuel, of 55 pounds unless in compliance with the AMA Large Model Airplane program. (AMA Document 520-A)
                     (f) Ensure the aircraft is identified with the name and address or AMA number of the owner on the inside or affixed to the outside of the model aircraft. (This does not apply to model aircraft flown indoors.)
                     (g) Not operate aircraft with metal-blade propellers or with gaseous boosts except for helicopters operated under the provisions of (AMA Document #555).
                     (h) Not operate model aircraft while under the influence of alcohol or while using any drug that could adversely affect the pilot’s ability to safely control the model.
                     (i) Not operate model aircraft carrying pyrotechnic devices that explode or burn, or any device   which propels a projectile or drops any object that creates a hazard to person or property.


· Free Flight fuses or devices that burn producing smoke and are securely attached to the model aircraft during flight.
· Rocket motors (using solid propellant) up to a G-series size may be used provided they remain attached to the model during flight. Model rockets may be flown in accordance with the National Model Rocketry Safety Code but may not be launched from model aircraft.
· Officially designated AMA Air Show Teams (AST) are authorized to use devices and practices as defined within the Team AMA Program Document. (AMA Document #718).             

                   (j) Not operate a turbine-powered aircraft, unless in compliance with the AMA turbine regulations. (AMA Document #510-A).          

3. Model aircraft will not be flown in AMA sanctioned events, air shows or model demonstrations unless:

                  (a) The aircraft control system and pilot skills have successfully demonstrated all maneuvers intended or anticipated prior to the specific event.
                  (b) An inexperienced pilot is assisted by an experienced pilot.   

4. When and where required by rule, helmets must be properly worn and fastened. They must be OSHA, DOT, ANSI, SNELL or NOCSAE approved or comply
with comparable standards.


1. All pilots shall avoid flying directly over unprotected people, vessels, vehicles or structures and shall avoid endangerment of life and property of others.
2. A successful radio equipment ground-range check in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations will be completed before the first flight of a new or repaired model aircraft.
3. At all flying sites a safety line(s) must be established in front of which all flying takes place. (AMA Document #706).

                (a) Only personnel associated with flying the model aircraft are allowed at or in front of the safety line.
                (b) At air shows or demonstrations, a straight safety line must be established.
                (c) An area away from the safety line must be maintained for spectators.
                (d) Intentional flying behind the safety line is prohibited.

4. RC model aircraft must use the radio-control frequencies currently allowed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Only individuals properly licensed by the FCC are authorized to operate equipment on Amateur Band frequencies.
5. RC model aircraft will not knowingly operate within three (3) miles of any pre-existing flying site without a frequency-management agreement. (AMA Documents #922 and #923).
6. With the exception of events flown under official AMA Competition Regulations, excluding takeoff and landing, no powered model may be flown outdoors closer than 25 feet to any individual, except for the pilot and the pilot's helper(s) located at the flight line.
7. Under no circumstances may a pilot or other person touch an outdoor model aircraft in flight while it is still under power, except to divert it from striking an
8. RC night flying requires a lighting system providing the pilot with a clear view of the model’s attitude and orientation at all times. Hand-held illumination systems are inadequate for night flying operations.
9. The pilot of an RC model aircraft shall:

                (a) Maintain control during the entire flight, maintaining visual contact without enhancement other than by corrective lenses prescribed for the pilot.
                (b) Fly using the assistance of a camera or First-Person View (FPV) only in accordance with the procedures outlined in (AMA Document #550).
                (c) Fly using the assistance of autopilot or stabilization system only in accordance with the procedures outlined in (AMA Document #560).


1. Must be at least 100 feet downwind of spectators and automobile parking when the model aircraft is launched.
2. Launch area must be clear of all individuals except mechanics, officials, and other fliers.
3. An effective device will be used to extinguish any fuse on the model aircraft after the fuse has completed its function.


1. The complete control system (including the safety thong where applicable) must have an inspection and pull test prior to flying.
2. The pull test will be in accordance with the current Competition Regulations for the applicable model aircraft category.
3. Model aircraft not fitting a specific category shall use those pull-test requirements as indicated for Control Line Precision Aerobatics.
4. The flying area must be clear of all utility wires or poles and a model aircraft will not be flown closer than 50 feet to any above-ground electric utility lines.
5. The flying area must be clear of all nonessential participants and spectators before the engine is started.